Mountain Experts - Programs - Canyoning Vallée de la Roya
Mountain Experts - Programs - Canyoning Vallée de la Roya
Mountain Experts - Programs - Canyoning Vallée de la Roya
Mountain Experts - Programs - Canyoning Vallée de la Roya
Mountain Experts - Programs - Canyoning Vallée de la Roya
Mountain Experts - Programs - Canyoning Vallée de la Roya

Canyoning in Vallèe de la Roya

Approximately 20km from Ventimiglia  (Italy) one finds this spectacular valley made up of deep limestone canyons. We propose 3 magnificent days of canyoning accompanied by a specialised alpine guide.
Crystal clear turquoise pools of water to be found at the bottom of deep gorges, natural rock slides, jumps, and descents with a double cord are what these canyons offer as well as much more.

Day 1
Canyon Barbaira, Rochetta Nervina (Italy)
This canyon is different from the others as the it is more of a river than a torrent. There are lots of crystal clear pools that sparkle in the sunlight. The descent is approx 3 hours. Approach to start of canyon: approx 1hr 40mins

Day 2
Canyon Maglia, Vallèe de la Roya (France)
A spectacular gorge, the canyon is full of natural rock slides and jumps. Approx 3 hour descent and all the jumps are equipped for descending by rope if you are not happy to jump. Approach to start of canyon: approx 10 mins.
Day 3
Canyon will be chosen based on the technical ability reached by the Group during the previous two days.
Mountain-experts will provide all the technical materials needed for the activity, wetsuit, helmet, harness and rope.

Cost from per person, minimum 4 participants.
Price excludes travelling expenses, food and accommodation.


France - Vallée de la Roya